This DIY is inspired by this delicious Starbucks Frappuccino! This DIY starts off with a super sizzley snow fizz texture. Add in the clear coffee drizzle slime, clay whipped cream, fake cookie crumbles, chocolate chip cookie fimos, foam chunks & a fake ice cube. Mix all together and you get a super crispy, fluffy, buttery, sizzley snow butter texture that inflates a ton! Deliciously scented like fresh baked double chocolate chunk cookies! SOOO GOOD!!
COLOR: cream
TEXTURE: snow butter fizz
SCENT: double chocolate chunk cookies
DIY: clear coffee drizzle slime, clay whipped cream, fake cookie crumbles, chocolate chip cookie fimos, foam chunks & a fake ice cube
SIZE: 8oz jar mixed you get: 11oz
TIP: keep stretching & pulling to make it fluffy, inflate & create more sizzles & pops.